You have a credit card? Then you are already insured!
You are often very well insured just with your credit card! Check yourself on the website of your bank, you will usually find the information about your credit card. Usually, credit card insures for trip up to 90 days if you pay your tickets with it. You automatically have the right to:
- a repatriation assistance (including support for some medical expenses)
- a death and disability insurance
When choosing a travel insurance you should pay attention to:
When searching for the best suitable travel insurance to your needs, make sure that the solution you choose broadly covers your medical expenses.
- It must be valid in most of the world.
- The protection it provides must cover your electronic devices (usually during transport; plane, bus, train).
- It should cover your possible injury or sudden illness.
- In an emergency, you must have access to its support services 24h / 24.
- It must cover the loss, damage or theft of personal items such as jewelry, luggage, documents …
- It should cover all kinds of cancellations (travel, hotel reservations, airline tickets or any other means of transport).
- It must cover emergencies or disturbances occurring in your destination country and that might compel you to return to your home country earlier than expected.
- It should include a personal accident coverage.
- It should cover any legal expenses if such expenditure is necessary.
- It must provide financial protection in case the carrier you have chosen to go bankrupt and you would end up stuck abroad.